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Le Papillon Energy Healing

Self-care as a nonnegotiable; remember to fill your cup back up!

Do you have a self-care routine that you have made a priority, in turn making you a priority?   I sure hope so, and if you don’t I can help you with that through a Reiki & Intuitive Energy Healing session.  But, first let’s talk about what happens when self-care routines become a non-negotiable and what you are doing to fill that self-care cup? I am part of a group program and the topic in months call was self-care and I thought “great, I got this one”.   The organizer asked us to share what our self-care is and I… Read More »

Manifest with Reiki

Happy Summer Solstice 2024, may the light shine upon you with joy and beauty!   There is NO better time than now to step into your power and honor YOUR light! The summer solstice is a magical time to go within to manifest your desires and let go of old limiting beliefs, practices and take yourself to the next level that you’re meant to elevate to. Journey with me, dig deep and honor your desires, no longer playing small, stepping into and owning your power. The Summer Solstice is a powerful day for manifesting! I have had profound experiences with the power… Read More »

Reiki Light Upon Winter Blooms

Light Shines Upon the Winter Blooms… Happy Lighter Days!  This was from our February newsletter, but I wanted to share it here, even if a ‘lil’ late! Deep breath and breathe in the light, take a moment and know that you’ve made it through the solar winter.  The quarter of the year with the least amount of daylight in the Northern Hemisphere.   Now we are approaching daylight savings time here in northern MI. The cycle was from November 6th to February 3rd, plus with holidays mixed in there, what a doozy that is… so remember to take time to honor yourself… Read More »

Ground into Gratitude with Reiki

Take a deep breath…ground in…and say it with me 🍁 What came up for you…? As you recited this beautiful Ho’oponopono prayer, or mantra as some prefer, what came up for you….did it stir or spark something, did a person or situation come in? 🌻  I’d love to hear from you, drop me a note with what came up for you in a safe, sacred space to honor YOU! For whatever came up I encourage you to lean into it, honor it and give yourself some grace.  Letting go and releasing is not easy, but remember you do not have to do it… Read More »

Autumn Transformation with Reiki & Energy Healing 🍂

The seasons are quickly transforming… hello Autumn 🍂  Let’s talk transformation, we are all undergoing one day by day, as we grow and evolve. Whether you’re going through a major transformation, thinking about one or just the general day-to-day of life‘s evolution we’re all in our own metamorphosis.  Be sure to give yourself compassion, grace and love in the process.  Transformations can take on many forms, but they all deserve a little bit of grace and support in the process and I’d be honored to hold a safe and sacred space for you.        I love watching the Monarch Butterflies go… Read More »

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