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Reiki is taught differently than other energy healing modalities, as it requires a Reiki Master to mentor and coach a student in the benefits of Reiki.
Generally, but not always, a student is a client that seeks out Reiki for their own benefit and spiritual growth. I know I was, so let’s start there…
I found Reiki to help me deal and cope with years of grief, after feeling stuck and that the grief was immovable. At that point, I knew work was needed on a deeper energetic and spiritual level. So I learned of Reiki and started off as a client, then student and now Practitioner. More on that in a future blog.
Reiki is transferred to the student by a Reiki Master through what is called an Attunement Process. In order to practice Reiki one must have received the Attunements from a certified Reiki Master. Then the student must be an open and clear channel to be a conduit of the Reiki Healing Energy for whomever they are called to support.
Reiki can do no harm and continues to stay with the practitioner for their lifetime. The Reiki Healing energy is strengthened with ones lifetime of practice and is of the purest intention.
Reiki is not a substitute for Western medicine and when required and should be considered in a complimentary fashion, for all medical needs your physician should be consulted.
Reiki-Infused Artisan Jewelry handmade in northern michigan | Shop Now