But, first let’s talk about what happens when self-care routines become a non-negotiable and what you are doing to fill that self-care cup?
I am part of a group program and the topic in months call was self-care and I thought “great, I got this one”.
The organizer asked us to share what our self-care is and I excitedly said…
…”I walk every morning with a stop for meditation, then at bedtime I give myself Reiki.”
Then it hit me…my walk, meditation and giving myself Reiki has become a non-negotiable, I need it, I crave it and I’m better for and because of it.
Which is great, but I haven’t filled up my cup in other ways to continue nurturing mind, body and spirit with self-care.
I wholeheartedly think self-care should be a way of life putting your oxygen mask on first!
Frankly, I was proud of myself for converting self-care to a non-negotiable, but now I realize I I didn’t refill my self-care cup back up.
Last week was a prime example that my self-care turned routine isn’t enough, as I was down for the count flat on my back, literally as I had thrown my back out.
It was a tough lesson from the universe to slooooow down and during this slow down is when I realized my self-care became a non-negotiable and I need to bring in more each time it does.
Ways I’m bringing in more self-care, perhaps these will inspire you:
Self-care is truly a way of life, not just events
New hikes and adventures to enjoy summer
Less is more… less commitments and more time for joy
Doubling down on my energy work and meditation
More rest and self-reflection (but more on that another day…)
Reiki & Intuitive Energy Healing is a wonderful way to KICK-START your self-care and balance the chakras!
I look forward to helping you on your self-care journey to clear the blocks to fill your cup back up!
Until then, sending you much summer joy and light ✨✨🦋.